About Laser



Phoenix Thera-Lase Laser

Break-Thru Laser Therapy Starts Here

The Phoenix Thera-Lase Laser System is a new, non-invasive laser therapy that’s transforming treatment for acute and chronic pain, injuries and a wide range of persistent conditions.

Years of Research to Help Patients Today

The Phoenix Thera-Lase Laser System is a portable laser bio-stimulation device that delivers concentrated laser-light energy to deep tissue levels. The break-thru technology delivers energy to a depth that is far greater than the therapeutic lasers currently on the market. Current therapeutic lasers achieve a depth of penetration of about 1 to 1.5 inches. The Phoenix Thera-Lase Laser delivers energy up to 8 inches below the skin surface. This energy is delivered in a continuous wave rather than the intermittent wave forms used by older technologies. This results in a greater therapeutic benefit to soft tissue and joints.

Human and animal cells respond to infrared laser energy with photochemical reaction triggered as laser photons pass through the cell electrons. The cumulative effects of exposure to laser light energy include reduced inflammation, reduction in pain and acceleration of tissue repair.

Link to patient page and animation: http://www.phoenixthera-lase.com

Laser Therapy has been shown to:

  • Stabilize the cell membrane

  • Enhance of ATP synthesis (cellular energy production)

  • Stimulate blood supply to the treated area

  • Accelerate leukocyte activity to promote wound repair

  • Increase prostaglandin sysnthesis

  • Reduce interleukin-1levels (reduction of inflammatory molecules)

  • Increase angiogenesis

  • Enhanced superoxide dismutase (an anti-oxidant produced by our cells)

  • Decreased C-reactive protein and neopterin levels (reduce inflammatory markers)

The Phoenix Thera-Lase laser treatments are not associated with pain or discomfort. The individual being treated sits or lies down comfortably while the laser energy is applied to the area in need of treatment. The practitioner is in constant attendance; monitoring the patient experience to insure comfort. The treatment is described by many as relaxing and is often associated with a sense of pleasant tingling in the area.

Treatment Times

The laser treatments can last from 5-30 minutes. When treating a small area such as a wrist or foot, the entire treatment can take 5-7 minutes. When treating a larger area such as Sciatica, the treatment of the area and connected tissue could take 30 minutes. Treatment times are adjusted based on the area treated and the patient’s response.

Number of Treatments

The number of treatments necessary to achieve a satisfactory response is variable. The severity of the problem being treated is an important factor. Less severe problems require fewer treatments than more severe problems. The chronicity of the problem is another factor determining the number of treatments necessary. Chronic problems will require more treatments than recently acquired problems. The age and vitality of the patient is another important factor determining the number of treatments required to achieve benefits.

Improvement Process

People often notice an improvement in their condition by the end of a session. This improvement may be short lived at first. With continued treatments, the interval of benefit after the treatment will be extended.

Prolonged benefit can be obtained by frequent initial treatments, (daily or every other day), followed by refresher treatments at ever increasing intervals.

Your practitioner will discuss this with you in more detail.

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Laser Therapy Has Been Shown To…

  • Stimulated Cell Growth: The Phoenix Laser is non-invasive laser accelerated cellular reproduction and growth due to increased mitochondrial activity.

  • Increases Vascular Activity: This non-invasive laser induces temporary vasodiliation increasing blood flow and oxygen to damaged tissue areas.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Action: The Phoenix non-invasive laser reduces swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of joints and provides enhanced muscle recovery and improved joint mobility.

  • Increased Metabolic Activity: The Phoenix non-invasive laser increases higher outputs of enzymes and much greater oxygen loads for these stimulated cells. With an increase of ATP production by the mitochondria it allows the cell to heal and repair itself at a much faster rate. The cell uses this newfound energy for a variety of key biologic processes.

  • Enhanced Nerve Function: This non-invasive laser stimulates and speeds the process of nerve healing and the ability to help repair nerve damage. Neurotransmission is facilitated due to increased levels of acetlcholine and serotonin.

  • Quicker Wound Healing: The Phoenix laser stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.

  • Reduces Scar Tissue: The laser reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from cuts, burns, post surgery, strains or sprains. On older scars the laser can also be used to help damaged cells form a more natural growth pattern and soften the damaged tissue areas.

  • Enhances the Rehabilitation Process: The Phoenix non-invasive laser is particularly effective as a tool in the early and ongoing stages of rehabilitation from both injury or surgery, by providing light energy to the damaged cells needing vital stimulation.

  • Reduces Pain: The Phoenix non-invasive laser is particularly effective in reducing pain by causing the production of the body’s natural pain killer, endorphins, thus, reducing your reliance and/or the level of other pain medications.

  • Fights Bacterial Infection: Appears to be antiviral, anti-fungal and antiherpetic especially with treatment of areas that previously required topical medications/bandages during the recovery process.